On Friday evening, May 28th, while resting at home in San Antonio, TX, Gregory experienced a great amount of lower right leg radiation & lower back pain that sent him to the nearest Urgent Care where he received a steroid / inflammatory shot. His results alarmed the doctors, so he was immediately referred to the ER / Spine Management Care for a X-Ray and additional blood work test. Over the next few weeks localize back theory was performed until both Gregory & his doctor agreed to take a different approach to best understand his lower pain.
On Thursday afternoon, June 26th, conducted the first MRI without contrast scan which found the alignment of the lumbar spine is anatomic. No disc space narrowing, or disc desiccation is present. The lumbar vertebrae are intact as the posterior elements . No spondylolysis is noted. The right iliac bone abnormal. An intraosseous tumor is present expanding the iliac crest measuring 6.0 x 3.6 cm in the transaxial plane. This tumor has broken through the cortex and extends into adjacent soft tissue.
Our thoughts and prayers go out to the family.
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